Faith-based Counseling
for Families and Individuals

My counseling method is deeply rooted in two guiding principles, Biblical Counseling and Temperament Education.

My practice serves as a safe place for families and individuals to experience healing from Depression, low-self-esteem, family conflict, anxiety and trauma and PTSD.

Temperament Testing
People are infinitely complex, while no test is a panacea, I utilize the Arnold Profiling System as a starting point of understanding.

Hello! I’m Aimee
Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor
My journey into counseling began in 1998 as my husband Jimmy and I made the long trek from Boston, MA to Nashville, TN taking our next steps into our music careers. It was on this journey that a billboard for “Prevent Child Abuse Tennessee” caught my attention and stirred a sense of calling. I worked for Prevent Child Abuse Tennessee for 5 years and then began my own counseling practice.
My Expertise
B.A. in Christian Counseling
Calvary Theological Seminary
M.A. Christian Counseling
Cornerstone University
Ordained Minister of Pastoral Care
National Christian Counseling Association
Certified Temperament Therapist
National Christian Counselors Association
Biblical Counseling
As a Christian, the Bible is the handbook and the Holy Spirit is the ultimate healer. The word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword. We have a Savior who understands our pain because his was a life filled with suffering.
He not only understands our pain but is the answer to our pain – “the punishment that brought us peace was upon him and by his wounds, we are healed.”

Contact Us
Ask a question or book an appointment below.
For emergencies, call 911 or visit your nearest hospital.
Perimeter Park South
1 Perimeter Park South
Suite 100
Bham al 35243